What nutrients do long-distance runners need?

Long-distance running, especially ultra-marathons, demands more than just stamina. Proper nutrition is crucial for optimizing performance and maintaining health. Here’s a detailed breakdown of essential nutrients and strategies for training and racing.

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What nutrients do long-distance runners need?


  • Training nutrition recommendations
  • Training hydration strategies
  • Effective long-term strategies to boost race performance
  • Racing nutrition recommendations
  • Effective short-term strategies to boost race performance
  • Conclusion

Training nutrition recommendations

Nutrition recommendation
Ultra-marathon runners should focus on a well-balanced diet that aligns with their training needs. Establishing and maintaining effective nutrition strategies early on helps the body adapt and efficiently use fat for energy. For optimal endurance training, aim for a dietary breakdown of:
  • 60% Carbohydrates
  • 15% Protein
  • 25% Fat
Your total calories depend on your activity level and build, but this can help as a good guidance.
Caloric requirements for long-distance runners during training

Training hydration strategies

Hydration strategies
Proper hydration is vital for performance and health. Focus on
  1. Post-Exercise Hydration
    Replace fluids lost during training by weighing yourself before and after exercise. Drink 1.5 times the fluid lost, including at least 500 mg of sodium per liter, to rehydrate effectively.
  2. Day-to-Day Fluid Intake
    Hydration needs vary, but listening to your body's thirst signals is generally effective. Avoid overhydration, which can lead to dilutional hyponatremia. During the day hydrating based on thirst signal suffices.
Hydration strategies for long-distance runners on training days

Effective long-term strategies to boost race performance

Hydration strategies
Ultra-marathon runners should focus on a well-balanced diet that aligns with their training needs. Establishing and maintaining effective nutrition strategies early on helps the body adapt and efficiently use fat for energy. For optimal endurance training, aim for the following breakdown of your total daily calories:
  • Gut-Training
    Research supports gut-training to reduce gastrointestinal distress during races.
  • Micronutrients
    Daily intake of 600 mg of vitamin C for 14 days post-race can reduce the risk of upper-respiratory-tract infections. Antioxidants (300 mg of vitamin E and 1000 mg of vitamin C) taken 7 weeks before a race can reduce oxidative stress.
Gut-training and micronutrients focus are good long term strategies to boost race performance

Racing nutrition recommendations


Consume 10 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight daily for two days before the race. On race day, eat a familiar, easy-to-digest meal high in low-glycemic index carbs.

Better Oxygen Delivery

Half-Marathon recovery guildelines
Runners should aim to consume 150-400 calories per hour. The specific needs depend on several factors such as race duration, individual tolerance, and environmental conditions. For races up to 50 miles, consume 150-300 calories per hour. For longer races, aim for 200-400 calories per hour. Higher calorie and carbohydrate intake is crucial for longer races to maintain performance.
  • Carbohydrates: Aim for 30-50 grams per hour.
  • Protein: 5-10 grams per hour.
  • Idea Icon

    We recommend Intermediate Protein Feeding: 15-30 grams every three hours supports muscle synthesis.

  • Fluids: 450-750 milliliters per hour, or about 150-250 milliliters every 20 minutes.
  • Electrolytes: Ensure adequate sodium intake, especially in hot conditions. Aim for 500-700 mg of sodium per liter of fluid.
Nutrition strategy for long-distance runners during a race

Effective short-term strategies to boost race performance

Hydration strategies
  • Caffeine
    To minimize side effects, avoid frequent high doses of caffeine. For ultra-marathons, 50 mg per hour is likely safe and helpful, especially during night runs when sleep cycles are disrupted. Consider personal caffeine sensitivity and practice your strategy. Caffeine i s most effective in the later stages of endurance events, so save intake for the final parts of the race.
  • BCAAs
    Amino acid supplements can reduce central fatigue and improve endurance during ultra-marathons. Long exercise sessions increase brain serotonin, causing tiredness and lack of motivation. Tryptophan, a serotonin precursor, competes with branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) to enter the brain, and its levels rise during prolonged exercise. Increasing BCAA levels can decrease serotonin production and central fatigue. For example, athletes who took BCAAs felt less tired during long bike rides with low energy stores. Trained cyclists exercising in heat could sustain activity 12% longer with BCAA supplements. BCAA ingestion maintains or reduces the free tryptophan/BCAA plasma concentration ratio, preventing a rise in brain serotonin levels.
Effective short-term strategies to boost long-distance race performance


Balancing carbohydrates, proteins, and fluids is key to optimizing training and race performance. Proper nutrition and hydration strategies support endurance, recovery, and overall health.

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Expandable References List
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